I found these notes I gave my high school improv team a few months back and I thought I would share them.
Scenes are about relationships. Show us why you care about each other, so we know why we would want to care about your scene.
Let your improv play come from a place of love and understanding.
Whatever your scene partner says, is EXACTLY what you need to hear. Good or bad. And them saying it is a relief.
Make each other look good. If I make you look good, and you make me look good, we will both look good.
Don’t be funny. Be honest. If you’re honest then funny will happen.
Turn questions into statements. Instead of asking a question, describe how you feel about your scene partner. Or make a statement about what your character is feeling.
Take something the wrong way. Take an insult as a compliment. Take a compliment as an insult. See where that takes you.
Be thematic. If a line you say makes you think “Wow! I like that line” keep saying it. Poetry slam teaches us that we can always say amazing things.
Move around! Grab an object! Freeze tag teaches us that we should always be moving. Don’t just be a talking stick on the stage.
Please remember to have stage presence. Smile as you take the stage. Plant your feet and look at (where you think) your audience is. We can’t see you if the stage lights are not on your face. Project your voice. You are talking to the people in the very back of the theater.
Lastly – Have fun. There was a ton of laughter last night. That tells me you were having fun. Enjoy sharing that time.